Tuesday, October 20, 2015

One of the most difficult things to teach your children to do is to tie their shoes. I found this great video that may help. It is a different, and I think easy, way to tie your shoe. Maybe it will help your child. This video was made by Ross Elementary PTA.
Image result for tying shoe clip art

Friday, October 16, 2015

Play Computer Games At Home

Play Study dog at home

Play Starfall at home

 Read on Raz Kids at home

To login to your child's class type in the following 
for the teacher username:
Mrs. M.: kmeisenhelder
Mrs. Augenstein: kaugenstein1
Mrs. Placek: splacek
Mrs. Tucker: rtucker
Mrs. McWilliams: kmcwilliams1

Monday, October 12, 2015

What Is W.I.N. Time?



          W.I.N. stands for "what I need" and it's a set time during the day where students get instruction tailored to their individual needs.  We have both a Math WIN time as well as an ELA (English/Language Arts) WIN time daily.  We use data from district assessments and classroom observations to determine the skills each student needs to work on and then group them with students of similar needs.  Each WIN time block is a half hour outside of core curriculum instruction where they will be doing activities in a smaller group to work to strengthen their skills.  We have several math, reading, and instructional support teachers who work with our grade level, so your child may stay with their homeroom teacher, or go with one of the other teachers for WIN time.  The groups are flexible as well, so as the year progresses, your child's group may change as their needs do.   Please always feel free to contact your child's teacher should you ever have any questions.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sending money to school

Please print and attach one of these notes to any money that you send into school. This way we can make sure the money gets to the right place. To print the school money notes just click on the picture and right click then click print. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Here is the Powerpoint Presentation from Open House. You can just click on the slides to view it if you were unable to attend.. You can also refer to it if you have any questions about our Kindergarten 

Thank you to all of you who came to our Open House night. We hope that everything we explained will help to make it easy for you to understand what your child's days here in school are like and what you need to do to help. 

Kindergarten Information from the first day packet

Saturday, June 27, 2015

We will be adding many items here for you to reference.
Welcome to our Kindergarten page!
We will be posting homework, newsletters, notes, pictures of events, etc. This is a great place to go to keep you updated on what is happening at school.